On this very day, two years ago, we opened our little shop... lucky 08.08.08!
I remember so clearly when we kicked that door open, I took a deep breathe and crossed my fingers that people would come and enjoy what we'd built. Hoping you would like what we had bought and that you would come back for more. It's the scariest thing when you start your own business... some days are a riot, others plain fearful.. all enjoyable! And I can't help but look around in appreciation that we are still here and going strong! And it's all because of you!
Darren and I are really grateful that you've helped us grown our little place from the ground up.
It's neat to think that we didn't know you at first and now we know you, (and your mom, your dad, siblings, pets and children.... )
We love your visits, we love catching up, we love you!
Thank you for helping us create our little neighbourhood shop. We can't thank you enough.